By Jaime Ribo Mar 15, 2024

On april 17 we had a tour at Ogilvy advertisment agency with our teacher Alvaro Laforet, where we gained alot of experinces and knowledge from people who worked there

“one of the most important thing that staff said that they play games during the creative process in order not to have a stressful day”

One of the creatives in Ogilvy
Number of communication studentStaff members we met Activities that we did
6 students from Arab Academy in EgyptFreya Sentmarti
Carlos Balsa
Tour around ogilvy
Games of creating our own solution towards product we created

This was a very fruitfull experience we went through and we really appreciate our professor Alvaro Laforet for taking us there.


Freya Sentmarti introducing us to Ogilvy´s history since 1850 till now.

We had a lot of infos about the company´s history and how company deals with its employees and after starting from 1 office in New York city to 131 offices in 93 countries around the world and the process of how they were capable to grow company this much.

Professor Alvaro Laforet showing us calendar at ogilvy that includes companies from around the world that work with ogilvy.

¨I got you here to see how big companies in Spain looks like and how they work¨

Alvaro laforet

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