Free Palestine!

By Jaime Ribo May 16, 2024

Ever since we arrived to Barcelona we noticed the extreme support of Palestine from everyone around us, which was very inspiring and comforting.

The first sight of support we found was inside the UAB campus, where some students drew a memorial motivating the end of the genocide. 

After that, we came across another writing saying ¨Palestina Libre” at El Raval in Barcelona.

In many places around Barcelona, we would stumble across people hanging the Palestinian flag on their balconies as a gesture of support to them.

On 3rd of March, while walking across La Rambla, we were surprised by seeing a crowd of 20-30 people holding signs and giving speeches expressing that they´re against what´s happening in Palestine.

On the same day, we noticed this hidden message on the street of La Rambla in Barcelona, encouraging people to “Boicott Israel” and stop funding the genocide.

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